Big March Announcement #3: VIIK

Reactions to Little Fears Nightmare Edition have been overwhelmingly positive. I was (and still am) truly humbled by how warmly folks received the new edition. But, as fans will with any new version or reimagining, people had questions about some of the changes. Why Belief instead of Innocence? Why the change in tone? Why a new system?

All good questions, but folks asked one question more than any other: Why did you get rid of the Seven Kings?

I had my reasons, which I’ve stated elsewhere, and I stand by the decision to keep them out of the main book. They are of another time, another tone, another idea, another Little Fears. They didn’t have a place in the Nightmare Edition.

Despite what I’ve said over the past eighteen months since the new version’s release, it appears my whim was only a suggestion to them. I should have seen it coming. I should have known the Kings would not stay silent forever.

It seems those cantankerous tyrants have busted their way out of the old edition and into the new.

Seven kids gone missing at the same time from seven different places. Authorities believe it was the work of professionals. But you have a different idea.

Everyone’s heard the stories about them but no one’s ever seen them. Far as anyone knows, they are just a rumor. A twisted take on an already twisted reality.

Story goes there are monsters older than Closetland. Or as old as anyway. They each had their own part of it, and they ruled over their terrible lands and did terrible things. They were the meanest of the monsters.

No one knows what happened or why they went away. But the story goes, those monsters, they want to come back.

And maybe, just maybe, they have.


Introducing Little Fears Nightmare Edition: The Seven Kings: a seven-part journey into the parts of Closetland you thought were closed forever.

More details at a later date.

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Big March Announcement #3: VII

Once upon a time there was a boy who loved birds.

“They always pick the floor clean.”

He wanted anything that wasn’t his.

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Big March Announcement #3: VI

Once upon a time there was a girl who was always hungry.

“Are you going to eat that?”

She had an emptiness nothing could fill.

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Big March Announcement #3: V

Once upon a time there was a girl who got very angry.

“Everything you do is wrong! Wrong wrong WRONG!”

She didn’t think she could ever be happy.

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Big March Announcement #3: IV

Once upon a time there was a boy who wanted control.

“Will you come and sit with me?”

He didn’t know how to be just friends.

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Big March Announcement #3: III

Once upon a time there was a girl everybody loved.

“I’m the most beautifulest girl in the world!”

She didn’t talk about the ugliness inside.

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Big March Announcement #3: II

Once upon a time there was a boy who always made excuses.

“I’m tired. Can’t I do it tomorrow?”

He didn’t like to do anything at all.

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Big March Announcement #3: I

Once upon a time there was a boy who was very jealous.

“I wish I could be like you.”

He was only himself and that made him cross.

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Big March Announcement #2

When I was a kid, turning 10 was a big deal. Growing up, you’re always looking for milestones, minor victories that mark your path toward adulthood, and joining the double-digits club was huge. As an adult, I still look for those moments though I’m less focused on “growing up” and more on accomplishments. While I published my first book in 1999, a poetry collection put together with a couple friends, I consider the release of the original Little Fears my first real professional accomplishment and it was a huge step forward along my career path.

This year, my modest game about kids fighting werewolves turns the big 1-0. I released Little Fears on July 5th 2001 at the Origins Game Fair and it changed my life completely. To honor Little Fears and everyone who has supported me and that game throughout the past ten years, I am re-releasing the original game in a new version with fresh edits, errata, new art, and fixed system oddities. The same game, just a little older, a little wiser, but with the same look of terror in its eyes, all dolled-up in a brand-new party dress.

Happy Birthday, Little Fears will be released on July 5th, 2011 in PDF and in print format in mid-July with pre-orders throughout June. I will release details of the pre-order later but there will be some special incentives as a thank-you to all those who have been so good to me over the years.

Thank you for supporting Little Fears back then, and thank you for supporting Little Fears now. I can never truly convey what your support has meant to me.

So that’s two Big March Announcements down. Come back next week for the final Big March Announcement that I hope excites you as much as it does me.

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Big March Announcement #1

The month of announcements begins with one (I hope) a lot of you have been anticipating:

Little Fears Nightmare Edition Book 2: Among the Missing is back on the production line and slated for a May 25th PDF release with the print version scheduled for about a month after. I will release pre-order information closer to April 1st but it will mimic the core rulebook’s pre-order launch with PDF-only, print-only, and print/PDF discounts.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month so it seems a fitting time to do some good with Little Fears which is why I will donate 20% of all Book 2 pre-orders received throughout April to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. May 25th is no arbitrary date either as it is also National Missing Children’s Day as designated by the NCMEC.

(Check out this link for previews and more information about Book 2: Among the Missing.)

Come back next week for a trip down memory lane and a very special summer announcement.

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