They're Heeeeeere

The corrected copies of Little Fears Nightmare Edition just arrived and I am extremely excited! Finally, finally, FINALLY, everyone will get the books they deserve. Orders will be filled, stores will be stocked, and I can finally stop worrying about it.


So, give me a few days to get everything packaged, labeled, and sent out in the mail. I have a lot of orders to fulfill so this may be done in two stages. I will keep everyone updated via the website.

Posted in lfne | 11 Comments

Book Update: Good, Bad, Good, Bad

The copies of Little Fears Nightmare Edition arrived yesterday!

Every single copy had the wrong cover on it. The cover corrections I submitted were not processed prior to printing.

The books are being reprinted!

Printers only print and binders only bind so fast.

Now, this delay shouldn’t be more than two weeks, but some of you have been waiting a month already for your books. And my retail partners are awaiting their copies as well! And I want all of you to get your books. You paid me for them; you should get them. But you should also get the correct books.

I am immensely sorry that this has happened but the mistake was not mine, I promise you. I ask you all for just a little more patience. Thank you for your continued support.

Note: Those who ordered the UK Edition through Leisure Games should be unaffected by this.

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Important Information on Orders

Hey, everyone!

I’ve received a few emails from folks who have yet to receive their pre-order copies of Little Fears Nightmare Edition. All books were mailed out weeks ago (almost all of them were sent on October 15th). If you have not received your pre-order copy of Little Fears Nightmare Edition, please contact me immediately using the Contact form. Please include the email address associated with your order.

If you placed your order after October 12th, your wait is almost over! The books are scheduled to be here at LFHQ early next week. I will send them out as soon as I can. I will update the site when the orders have shipped so everyone knows.

To anyone who ordered the PDF from me, pre-order or not, I send out the codes as soon as I can–usually within an hour from receipt of notification. If you have ordered the PDF and not received the download code, again, please contact me immediately and include the email address you listed with the order.

Thank you, everybody, in helping me help you terrify your friends.

Posted in lfne, news | 13 Comments

Canon Puncture

It’s odd hearing another person talk critically about your work. By “critically” I don’t mean criticizing it necessarily but putting it under a lens and examining the parts, possibly in a way I never did. In the eight years since the original Little Fears’ release, I’ve heard and read a lot of different opinions about it. Folks came away from the game with their own ideas of what it was about, what it did right, what it did wrong, and whether it was a game they wanted to play.

Arnold Cassell talks on all these points in the latest episode of the RPG-focused podcast Canon Puncture. I balked some at the idea of listening to a 40 minute dissection of my very first game but I’m glad that’s exactly what I did. Arnold paints a very fair portrait of the game and certainly enlightened me to aspects and ideas within its pages that, if they were intentional, were the result of me outsmarting myself.

So, if you’re someone interested in the history of Little Fears or if you haven’t had a chance to read the original and wonder what it was all about back then, check out Canon Puncture 79: Game Advocates – Little Fears.

Posted in Reviews | Tagged | 414 Comments

Protodimension Magazine

Lee Williams contacted me some months ago about a new quarterly horror game magazine he was starting up called Protodimension. He and his crew were interested in supporting the original Little Fears in this magazine and wanted to know how I felt about that. I agreed without hesitation.

The first Protodimension went up last summer and, while it included many fine articles, none were for Little Fears.

Well, the latest Protodimension Magazine is up and amongst its many fine inclusions is “Where the Wolves Are” a scenario for the original Little Fears written by longtime Little Fears fan (and overall good guy) Tim Bisaillon. Tim ran this scenario at CanGames last Spring and reported a great response to it. I’m glad to see it in print.

You can download your own free copy of Protodimension #2 right here!

Protodimension also has the rights to produce fan material based on Little Fears Nightmare Edition! If you’re interested in writing material for Little Fears or Little Fears Nightmare Edition (or any of the other fine games they support), click here for the submission guidelines.

Many thanks to Lee, Norm, Tad, and Tim for helping to keep the original Little Fears alive and spreading the love!

Posted in lfne | 12 Comments

Play Little Fears Nightmare Edition at Pegasus Games!

Hey Madison folks!

I’ll be running two sessions of Little Fears Nightmare Edition at Pegasus Games this Saturday. Lory and company are running an eight-hour RPG Spookathon from noon to 8p. Stop by and check out some great games!

I’m running 2-hour demos of Little Fears Nightmare Edition at noon and at 2p. Stop on by and play the game of childhood terror!

Posted in lfne | Tagged | 9 Comments

Books, Sales, and Campfire Tales

I should have new copies of the books on-hand in a week or so. Everyone who ordered a copy after the pre-order deadline will have their copies sent from that batch.

For those who have been waiting for the UK versions through Leisure Games, your wait is almost over! There was a problem with the initial run that I needed to correct. Should only be another week or so until the copies make their way to the store. My sincerest apologies but I just couldn’t ship copies without making some corrections.

So, in sum, books will be refilled in a week or so, all outstanding orders will be fulfilled, and I’ll have extra on-hand so that another gap like this doesn’t happen.

Little Fears Nightmare Edition launched in PDF last Monday and the response has been great!

A huge thanks to everyone who bought a copy and helped spread the word through posts on forums such as It’s really appreciated. Word-of-mouth is the driving factor in this industry and having you all behind me is terrific.

Campfire Tales
I’ve received a handful of questions about Campfire Tales #1. This is a PDF supplement that is scheduled for a mid-November release. Those who pre-ordered will get a PDF code sent to them upon release.

That’s the latest news from LFNEHQ!

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The PDF is Here!

Little Fears Nightmare Edition is live at DriveThruRPG and RPGNow!

Little Fears Nightmare Edition Cover

You can get a PDF copy of the game of childhood terror for just $12!

Pre-Order PDF Update
I sent out the pre-order codes for the PDF earlier today. If you pre-ordered a copy of the PDF and do not receive the email today, please let me know using the Contact form on this page.

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New Page: Downloads

As you may have noticed, there’s a new page here on Downloads. I just added PDFs of the character, GMC, monster, and episode sheets. I plan to add more sheets (and new versions of old sheets) but I wanted to get something up now for those who are receiving their pre-order copies in the mail.

So, go, download, fill out, and play!

Posted in downloads, lfne | Tagged , | 35 Comments

Books Have Shipped!

I sent out the bulk of the orders this morning (some folks requested delayed shipment; otherwise, they all would’ve shipped). So if you got your pre-order in before midnight (Central) October 12th, your package is in the mail.

Most books should be received in 2-3 business days (overseas orders will likely take longer).

Be sure to read the enclosed letter for important information about your pre-order!

I should receive the next print run in about 2 weeks. If you sent in your order after the deadline, I will send out your copies then.

The PDF version of Little Fears Nightmare Edition is still on-schedule for a Monday release through

A huge thank you to everyone who ordered! I hope you enjoy the book.

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